=== Controlled Admin Access Pro === Contributors: waseem_senjer, wprubyplugins Donate link: https://wpruby.com Tags: access, Access Manager, admin, capability, page, Post, role, user, widget Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 6.1.1 Stable tag: 2.1.6 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Give a temporarily limited admin. access to theme designers, plugins developers and support agents. == Description == Give a temporary limited admin. access to themes designers, plugins developers and support agents. The plugin is simple and clean, it helps the administrator to create a user with a temporary access and choose which pages in your admin area which you don't want the user to access. send the details to the user and when he finished his task, you can easily deactivate the account and activate it later. == Installation == 1. Upload `controlled-admin-access` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. In the dashboard, click on `Controlled Access` == Screenshots == 1. Add User Page 2. Manage Users Page 3. Edit User Page == Changelog == = 2.1.6 = Added: Password field when creating/updating a user. = 2.1.5 = Fixed: only create a new password when the admin is created = 2.1.4 = Fixed: blocking options.php POST requests were preventing other plugins from saving options. = 2.1.3 = * Fixed: A migration issue that was causing the updating user process not working. = 2.1.2 = * Fixed: parent_file filter was missing a parameter that prevents correct menu filtering. = 2.1.1 = * Fixed: search for users was blocked. * Fixed: rename endpoints actions to prevent collisions with other plugins. * Fixed: The Docs link was not correct. = 2.1.0 = * Added: A button to reset the user restrictions. * Added: prevent editing the plugin's code in the plugins' editor. * Fixed: PHP warning in migrations. * Fixed: Restricting main admin when creating a user. = 2.0.0 = * Added: Activity Log for restricted admins. = 1.0.0 = * Initial Release